Wednesday, December 4, 2024

My Relationship With Technology

 As a 20 year old college student, I have lived a life for as long as I can remember where technology has played a crucial role in my every day life. It is how I connect with family who live on the other side of the world, without it I would not get to stay updated with their lives. It is how I grew up. My generation learned how to type on big black computers, using Quizlet to help us study for big exams, and also share our daily lives with all of our family and friends. 

Growing up, I have been able to use these platforms to better myself. Today's argument is that our generation spends a lot of time on social media and on all these different devices but not all parts of technology have to be negative. Having access to my laptop and cell phone allows me to take my school work and the internet anywhere I go. I get access to information with the click of a button. We don't need to use paper maps to tell us how to get somewhere and we also do not need to write a letter and possibly wait weeks for responses. 

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Social media platforms such as Facebook and Skype have allowed me to stay in touch with my family and friends that live across the world. Due to us only being able to see each other in the summer time this has allowed us to keep in touch with each other. From my cousins in Greece to my friends in South Africa I have been able to message them all day long if I wanted too. Growing up I also got to use a platform called which was then later changed to TikTok. was a platform where we could make short 10 second videos to songs and create dances. I remember using this app with my friends in middle school. This allowed for us to express ourselves in 10 seconds. I truly loved this app because we got to be goofy. We got to make funny dances up and then get to rewatch them over and over until our bellies hurt from laughing so hard. 

Skype (@Skype) / - Wikipedia

I see how social media and technology has also harmed people in today's age. You see teens and people comparing themselves to people they see on the internet and also feeling bad for themselves if they are not up to date on the latest trends. I believe your experience with it is what you make of it. If you sit there and compare yourself to people online you are bound to have a bad experience. If you use it correctly it can really be a great and useful thing. Having a clean digital footprint is extremely important. One thing about technology is it is hard to erase. Some people do not believe in what is put on the internet stays forever. As someone who always is careful with what they post I do not feel that I am holding back from being myself. I more feel as if I do not need to post my every thought on the internet. 

Digital Footprint: Good or Bad?. At an ...

As technology continues to advance, we start to learn more and more ways to use it to benefit ourselves. We are learning more tips and tricks to help create healthy platforms for generations to come. Overall, I truly am grateful for social media and technology as it allows me to stay close to my family and also express myself in a more public way.

EOTO Reaction-Citizen Journalism

 Olivia’s presentation showed an incredible role ordinary people play in shaping the media today. Citizen journalism has grown from a simple way to share information into a powerful tool for modern news reporting, thanks to social media and other digital platforms. It was interesting to see how quickly and easily individuals can bring news to the public, instead of waiting for traditional media outlets.

Journalism GIFs | Tenor  A specific part of Olivias presentation that stuck out to me was her showing how citizen journalism has been around for longer than we may think. Yes, we gain a lot of our information today from major news companies like Fox News or the New York Times. Here we saw how civilians word of mouth played such an important role in capturing today's news. Olivia included the example of John F. Kennedys assassination and how bystanders had captured the video before news crews could even arrive. This just shows how civilians play such a crucial role in receiving and spreading news.

Through the presentation we also heard how the internet also has played a major role in citizen journalism. Due to the new platforms of "blogging" arising people were allowed to post their opinions and perspectives on the internet for the whole world to see. This has also continued to today's day with the rise of social media platforms such as Twitter (now X) and Facebook. These platforms have transformed the way people get news and how we keep up to date with the latest fashion trends, best restaurants, etc. Most people of the Gen Z generation cannot imagine life before social media.

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One of the downsides of citizen journalism that Olivia mentioned was that it can create false issues and spread wrong information. Due to everyone having access to all platforms this also allows for anyone to write what they choose. This includes wrong information which can cause issues when it comes to fact checking. That is why they say "do not believe everything you see on the internet". This is due to the lack of fact checking. Some people choose to spread lies and false information for entertainment which is wrong. This is why checking your sources of the news and fact checking becomes crucial when using these social media platforms.

Citizen journalism connects to my presentation on Diffusion of Innovation Theory because innovation theory relates to how different platforms or trends populate over time. This compares to citizen journalism due the similarities with how social media has taken an influence in the young generations. We see how social media has gained major popularity with Gen Z and also how this is the primary way that they receive there news. Compared to our parents generation who receive there news from the local television channels as well as newspapers one thing that Gen Z needs to be aware of again is the fact checking. Yes, hearing diverse opinions on topics is a great thing in order to see different perspectives but also we need to make sure they are accurate.Distribution.png

Olivia does an excellent job outlining the advantages and disadvantages of citizen journalism. It plays an important role in modern media by amplifying unique perspectives, particularly from underrepresented groups. As technology and social media evolve, accuracy concerns remain a challenge. Having the ability to now share opinions on a free basis allows for individuals to connect with others across the world. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

AntiWar-American Conservative

As the U.S. continues its military operations around the world, it’s notable that antiwar voices are largely absent from mainstream media. While platforms like and The American Conservative offer strong antiwar perspectives, these views are rarely part of the broader public discourse. I have never even heard of these websites. As I explored these new websites I kept these questions in the back of my mind: You've probably never even heard of these websites. I wonder why that is? Why do you think you have to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong antiwar voices?

A brief exploration of sites like Antiwar uncovers critiques of U.S. military interventions around the world. These platforms challenge American foreign policy; however, they exist largely in mainstream media discourse. This raises an important question: why are these dissenting views not more prominently featured?This is due to the relationships between media organizations, the government, and corporate interests. Major media corporations frequently maintain significant financial and political connections with industries that profit from warfare, such as defense contractors. This dynamic can create a bias that shows alternative perspectives and limits public access to diverse viewpoints.

Exploring diverse media sources, such as The American Conservative, offers the opportunity to engage with viewpoints that may not be represented on mainstream local news channels. The way opposing views are addressed, particularly during times of conflict, underscores the importance of safeguarding free expression. This highlights the importance of the First Amendment, which ensures that a variety of perspectives can be shown as valuable, giving a strong democracy where differing opinions are protected.

With mainstream media and smaller, minority-focused opinion websites primarily resides in the controversy of the content they present. Mainstream outlets tend to align with particular political ideologies, which can constrain the variety of viewpoints available to the audience. Journalists at these larger organizations may hesitate to publish articles critical of the government due to the potential loss of access to essential sources and information. On the other hand, independent media platforms often face fewer limitations and are able to offer more direct, alternative perspectives that question prevailing narratives and spark meaningful discussions.

Overall, the lack of antiwar voices in mainstream media highlights a significant gap in discourse about U.S. military operations. While platforms like and The American Conservative offer crucial critiques, their insignificance raises questions about media representation. Mainstream outlets often align with specific political views and corporate interests, limiting diverse perspectives. Engaging with different media sources is essential for promoting free expression and ensuring a healthy democracy, enabling citizens to critically assess military interventions and advocate for peaceful international relations.

Diffusion of Innovation Theory


Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains how new ideas, products, or technologies spread through populations over time, highlighting the different rates of adoption among different groups. According to Rogers, society can be divided into five categories based on their willingness to adopt innovations:

  1. Innovators: These are the risk-takers and pioneers, representing a small portion of the population, they are the first to embrace new ideas or technologies. They are often highly educated and socially connected, driving early adoption.

  2. Early Adopters: Following closely behind, early adopters are influential opinion leaders who recognize the value of an innovation early on. Their endorsement often plays a key role in encouraging greater acceptance.

  3. Early Majority: This group is more cautious but adopts new ideas once they see proven benefits. They wait until an innovation has been tested and refined before embracing it.

  4. Late Majority: These individuals are more skeptical and resistant to change, typically adopting only after the innovation has become widely accepted and mainstream.

  5. Laggards: The final group to adopt an innovation, laggards are often resistant to change and hold on to traditional methods until the innovation becomes unavoidable.

Understanding these categories helps explain how innovations affect different generations and societal groups, shaping the way of technological and social change.

A prime example is Facebook. The app became popular in 2007 when it hit 50 million users but was originally launched in early 2004. This app attracted the Millennial generation who were the Early Adapters. This age demographic was attracted to this platform because they were the first "young" generation introduced to social media. Since they were in high school and college at the time this was the newest "it" thing to do. The users were eager to get in on the newest trends.

A time went on, members of the Early Majority, particularly Generation X (those born between 1965 and 1980), began to adopt Facebook. Today, this group represents a significant portion of the platform's user base. Many of us have parents, or know parents in this age group, who are active users, frequently posting and engaging with the app. As a result, younger generations often view Facebook as a "parent platform," which has contributed to their shift away from it in favor of newer, trendier social media platforms.

Overall, Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation Theory provides a valuable theory for understanding how technologies and ideas spread through society, as shown by Facebook's rise and generational adoption patterns. The platform's initial success with Millennials, who acted as early adopters, set the stage for its broader appeal. As Generation X, the Early Majority, became more interested in the app, Facebook evolved into a mainstream platform. However, this generational shift also led younger users to move away from the app, viewing it as dominated by older users. This pattern highlights how different social groups embrace innovations at various stages, influencing the lifecycle of technology and its cultural relevance over time.

Overton Window

 The Overton Window is a model used to understand how ideas in society shift over time, influencing both public opinion and political action. The core concept is that politicians are constrained by the range of ideas and policies that are currently acceptable to the general public. Politicians typically only pursue policies that fall within this "window" of acceptability, as these are seen as legitimate, mainstream options. Policies outside the Overton Window may exist, but they are considered too radical or unpopular for politicians to support without risking significant backlash or loss of political support. As societal attitudes change, the window itself shifts, allowing previously unthinkable ideas to become viable policy options.

There are six stages in this political theory:

Unthinkable: Ideas that are considered radical or unacceptable.

Radical: Ideas that are starting to gain attention but are still seen as extreme.

Acceptable: Ideas that have become a topic and are discussed more openly.

Sensible: Ideas that are now seen as reasonable and practical

Popular: Ideas that are widely accepted and become part of public conversation.

Policy: Ideas that have become laws or policies.

An example scenario using the overton window would be the idea of same sex marriage

  1. Unthinkable (1980s): Same-sex marriage was considered unacceptable, and the idea was rarely discussed in mainstream circles.

  2. Radical (1990s): Advocates for LGBTQ+ rights began pushing for marriage equality, though it was still considered a fringe idea by much of the public.

  3. Acceptable (early 2000s): Public discussions about same-sex marriage became more frequent, with support slowly growing, particularly among younger generations and progressive circles.

  4. Sensible (mid-2000s): As more states and countries began recognizing civil unions or same-sex partnerships, the idea of same-sex marriage started to be seen as practical and achievable. More people viewed it as a matter of fairness and equal rights, even if they didn’t yet fully support it.

  5. Popular (early 2010s): The majority of Americans began to support same-sex marriage, and it became a key issue in political debates, with widespread coverage in media and public advocacy.

  6. Policy (2015): The U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, marking its full acceptance within the Overton Window and its transition into law.

By using the Overton Window theory it allows politicians to refrain going against what society wants.Even though it doesn’t capture every aspect of political dynamics, it highlights a crucial point: politicians are constrained in their policy choices by their electoral prospects. They typically support policies they believe will not jeopardize their chances of winning votes. The range of policy options available to them is influenced by the prevailing ideas, social movements, and collective norms and values within society.

The Overton Window illustrates how ideas that were once considered radical or extreme can gradually shift toward mainstream acceptance through social change, advocacy, and public discussion. This process demonstrates the fluid nature of societal norms and values, allowing us to understand how controversial or fringe ideas can, over time, move from the sides to the center of political and social conversations, eventually shaping policies and cultural norms. Recognizing this dynamic helps us comprehend the evolution of public opinion and the mechanisms that drive changes in societal discourse and governance.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Typewriter vs. Modern Keyboard


I found the comparison between typewriters and modern keyboards extremely interesting. One thing that I found particularly interesting was the modern day keyboard that we use today is the same on that people have been using for years. This shows that even through all the technological advancement through the years the keyboard order is something that has worked and stayed efficient.

By listening to Brooke Sheehy's presentation I gained a lot of insight on the typewriter that I did not know before. The typewriter was something that I have never really thought much about unless it was being shown in a movie or tv show. What I never realized was how this was the start for the modern day computer. We take the easy use of computers for granted every time we go to type something. What we don't think of is how fifty years ago if you wanted something typed you would have had it a lot harder than we do. 

Brooke stated in her presentation how the typewriter has created the advancement in what we use today in the modern world. She explained how the first person to invent the typewriter was Christopher Latham Sholes and his partners Samuel Soule and Carlos Glidden in the middle of the 19th century . She also talks  about how there was a huge social impact with the invention of the typewriter. This allowed for jobs to open especially for women. This gave woman a safer working environment rather than being in factories they sat at desks in offices and were “typists”.

The modern day keyboard is something we all take for granted. We can now have a computer in our hands and send messages to others via the keyboard. We can also type and essay with the keyboard on our phones whenever we want. This shows how far technology has come over the years. Also these older technologies are staples in today's world and have paved the way for new modern day technology.
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Comparing Brooke's research to my own on the impact of motion pictures, the one thing that stuck out to me was we both had topics that have revolutionized today's world. With my research discussing the evolution of motion pictures and how a small device started the whole movie industry. Comparing that to Brooke's research hers shows how the typewriter started the evolution of the keyboard that almost everyone in the world uses on the daily.
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In conclusion, the comparison between typewriters and modern keyboards highlights how foundational innovations can shape the technology we use today. Despite decades of technological advancements, the basic layout of the keyboard has remained efficient and relevant. Brooke Sheehy's presentation provided valuable insights into the historical significance of the typewriter, to modern computers and as a tool that had a significant social impact, especially in creating jobs for women. Overall, we got to see how little inventions of the past have set the tone for the future.

My Relationship With Technology

 As a 20 year old college student, I have lived a life for as long as I can remember where technology has played a crucial role in my every ...